Architectural Review Committee
To ensure that our community will be an attractive and desirable place to live, the architectural and environmental standards must be set and maintained at a level where each resident desires and assumes the responsibility to contribute to these goals. With close coordination and cooperation between the residents and the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), our standards can be maintained and our aims met.
The Archetectural Review Committee recommends to the board standards and guidelines for the community's architecture, design, and appearance. The Committee receives, recommends action, and forwards to the Board architectural complaints and/or recommendations from members of the Association.
The Committee receives proposals, plans, and requests submitted by members for changes and alterations to individual properties. It also periodically inspects the community and work in progress to ensure conformity with approved standards and requests.

The Association's Governing Documents list prohibited modifications, modifications requiring submission, and those modifications that do not require approval. Homeowners must fill out the Architectural Request Form prior to any modification requiring approval.​​​​​
​​​​Rules and restrictions must be established before our standards can be met. These guidelines are not intended to constrain the pride and efforts of the individual homeowner. Their sole purpose is to protect the homeowners' investments and ensure that Revell Downs remains a pleasant, tasteful, and desirable place to live.